It is said that when the Blue Lotus returns to the banks of the Nile, balance will be restored upon the earth.

Welcome to

Temple of the Blue Lotus

Welcome to Temple of the Blue Lotus. Whether you are new to the Blue Lotus or you are experienced in her deep mysteries, you are in the right place. Here we explore all things Blue Lotus – history, effects, symbolism & medicinal properties. 

If you are ready to walk through the portal that is the Blue Lotus, join me. 

I am here to help you reconnect to your feminine essence and deep inner wisdom via oracle guidance, classes and ceremony, thereby gracefully taking you to the next level of soul embodiment.

Together we blossom.

What is a blue lotus ceremony?

Blue lotus ceremony is a very gentle medicine ceremony. The flower is alcohol soluble and is best consumed as a tincture. A tincture can easily be made at home and provides the best results as you imbue your intentions and prayers upon the tincture. Tea can be prepared using whole blue lotus flowers. With this method the effects are almost imperceptible physically however, there is an effect on the subtle energy body.  It can also be consumed as a concentrated extract or the flowers may even be smoked. Essential oil can be applied to the skin or added to a bath. 

The effects of consuming blue lotus include a slight euphoria and an overall feeling of relaxation. The flower gently opens the higher energy centers to allow for ease of connection to spirit. Within the sacred container of the blue lotus ceremony we set an intention for exploration according to that particular ceremony. You can expect a guided meditation, time for personal contemplation and then discussion. The medicine that the blue lotus offers is gentle yet profound. Truly an experience of beauty, an experience of the goddess herself. 

As with all plant medicines you must do your own research to find out if it is right for you. 


sessions with Helen

Helen has the ability to tune into the subtleties of the human energy field


Helen brings the light of awareness to the deepest aspects of self that have been obscured to help clients realign to their authenticity. She helps women connect to their intuition so that they may learn to trust their own inner wisdom. Helen continues to do the inner work necessary to embody more and more of her soul’s essence so that she may bring through the purest information possible to her clients.

Modalities and training…

Initiated Mother Spirit Priestess , Dove Oracle Priestess level 4, Tarot for 20+ years, Reiki 2, Therapeutic Touch, Astrology, & Mantra.



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