Powerful frequency transmitters! (that’s you!)

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We have been lied to, thoroughly and completely, starting with our history. We are taught in school that linear advancement is how it works. We were primal, living in caves and slowly step by step became more and more civilized and sophisticated. Our present moment in history is the highest level of achievement for the human race. However, even today, the point at which we are supposedly the most advanced we have EVER BEEN, we are unable to replicate the pyramids of Giza. 

The question is why are we being lied to? There are most certainly nefarious intentions behind keeping the human race ignorant of our true history for If we knew the truth of our history it would positively blow our consciousness wide open. If we knew our history we would know how truly powerful we are and that so much more is possible for us, truly anything is possible. Who is keeping us in the dark and why is surely fascinating and important, however not as important as using our gifts as an oracle to bring through as much of our hidden history as possible. By bringing this knowledge and wisdom into our bodies we experience a visceral knowing of truth. It is through this experience of bringing the knowledge into us, into our being, that we are also bringing this into our collective consciousness, making the information more easily accessible  to all. The knowledge that comes through the oracle state emanates frequencies through the light body and into the collective consciousness. This isn’t only just in the oracular state but in everyday ways of being as well. The importance of  minding our thoughts and emotions cannot be overstated, as every bit of information that we emit is projected through the light body and into the collective. This is why fear is such a powerful weapon and can take over the population. It is up to those with awareness to shift the energies that are being “uploaded” to the collective, just by our awareness of this phenomena  we realize that we are so much more powerful than we have understood ourselves to be in the past. The awake and aware individuals truly have the power to change the direction of the collective into a more creative and expansive space than ever before by contributing to this expanded realm of knowledge and possibility through the oracular, visionary and ordinary states of being that are filled with awareness of our ONE consciousness. 

Blessed be.

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