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This is the time we have been waiting for!

I believe the keys to true wisdom, the Sophianic keys, have been placed all around the globe just waiting for the time of great connectivity and collaboration. Every culture has been guardian to a specific piece of wisdom that gives a partial picture of the whole.

When all this wisdom can be brought together we will have a much clearer picture of the cosmos and our place therein. It is similar to keys to the nuclear bomb (I know, unfortunate comparison!) we must have all the keys and turn them in unison to activate. Just as the great pyramids of Giza are mathematically encoded to preserve the information until such a time as we are technologically ready to receive it, I believe the wisdom codes have been scattered around the earth until such a time as we are ready to unify and open ourselves to our brothers and sisters from other cultures. Now is such a time.

We are technologically able to connect like never before, now we must open our hearts and engage our curiosity to begin to understand the mystical wisdom of different cultures. This trend actually began sometime back. A good example is Paramahansa Yogananda, an Indian yogi that came to the US in 1920 and developed a huge following. The information that he presented struck a nerve, his Western audience could feel  the truth in the message.

There is truth and wisdom in every corner of the earth. It is time for each of us to explore and to feel into different information, to tease out the bits that resonate. To discover tools and practices that allow us to expand our consciousness. We must understand that by studying or practicing from different traditions that it does not negate or cancel the wisdom of our own culture. If information is rooted in true knowledge and natural law then it should blend seamlessly with our current knowledge. However, it is up to us to have the discernment and inner confidence (sovereignty) to know what is in alignment with source.

The more information and different perspectives we can digest, the more multifaceted we will become. The more facets we have the more light we are able to reflect. Unification and exploration for expansion is the mantra. Blessings!

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