Fear is rampant in the population at present. It’s contagious and bolstered by the media. It’s very easy to slip into fear if we are not in our full awareness and presence at all times. Fear causes us to make decisions that are not in our highest interest.
You experience how contagious the fear is from your own life. You will be doing just fine, will feel comfortable and at home in the world with love in your heart and then someone comes along and spews fear into your energy field. Now your peaceful presence is disturbed with this fear energy. This person may be very well meaning but they just vomited their fear into your field. There must be at least some resonance for it to enter your field, recognizing it is there is the first step, then we must take a moment and feel where that fear has landed. Where is it exactly in our energy field?
When we feel it, we can work with it. We can ask it why it’s there. We can ask it what it wants to show us and then we can ask it to leave. I oftentimes feel fear as an energy that is sitting on top of my heart chakra like a veil that covers the energy of the heart, obscuring the heart light. Sitting with it and running energy through my field helps to release it from my aura. Then focusing on the heartspace to bring in light and restore the heart to its natural state uncorrupted by fear.
It’s important to move this fear energy through our field before making any important decisions. When the veil of fear is covering our hearts we have a difficult time seeing the potential positive outcomes of a situation. When you begin visualizing worst case scenarios, this is a good indication that you are out of alignment with your heart and a cue to stop, clear your field and use your imagination to explore best case scenarios.
Creating a toolbox of multiple techniques and practices is crucially important. First, turn the TV, podcast, radio etc. off. Stop exposing yourself to sources of information that are intentionally promoting fear. Limiting time with fearful friends. Being mindful of what kind of conversations you are having with people and course correcting those conversations if they veer into a fearful direction. Limiting caffeine and low vibe food. Working with and supporting the kidneys with lots of water and herbal teas. Going into nature, exercise, listening to beautiful music, meditation, a bath, playing with a pet. What works for you? What changes your energy in a positive way? Make your own list and have it handy. Feel yourself slipping into the contagion? Take a look at your list and shift that energy.
At this critical juncture it is more necessary than ever to keep our energy sovereign and bright. Create your toolbox and use it.