As light workers we are powerful energy emitters able to activate individuals just by our presence whether we are consciously aware of this or not. However, by becoming conscious of this and putting intention behind our light emissions adds extraordinary power to this gift. We are able to encode our creations with powerful high frequency light to lift and enlighten humanity. Just as the negative controlling faction does with tv and “entertainment” by adding low vibrational frequency messaging, we can use the same technology but in service of love. As more light workers and starseeds become aware of this light encoding technology they can use it in a myriad of creative ways. Recognizing that each individual brings slightly different codes through their form means that each person carries a different and equally important piece of the whole. As more and more light workers consciously work to bring these frequencies through we then all have access to their individual piece of the puzzle. As we each bring our own gifts forward we add to the field of high vibrational light thus accelerating ascension.
It is time to start encoding our creations with sacred geometry based in love. Cooking dinner for example, we can take a moment and pull through a solid intention of love and deep nourishment and direct that into the food. (As I am writing this last sentence I just received notification from a fellow light worker that she just released a light code activation meditation! Synchronistic confirmation in effect!) We can encode a crocheted baby blanket, or a YouTube video, a letter or a song. I plan on experimenting on encoding my garden this summer. Creativity makes the possibilities endless.
Each one of us is absolutely essential, we are meant to lift our vibration as a whole, everyone carries their own unique gifts and talents, it is time to share our gifts with the world in whatever way possible. We don’t need an audience of millions to be effective, cooking dinner for a friend can have powerful effects that ripple out beyond our wildest imagination.
Remember… “There are no small parts, only small actors.”