New Year, New Energies

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This solstice we have reached a culmination of the dark energies. Not only the physical peak of darkness in the Earth cycle of the Northern hemisphere but heavy dense energies that have been prevalent on the earth for thousands of years. An opening has now been created for tremendous amounts of light to flood the Earth. Truly a return of the Christ consciousness. Our entire solar system is traveling through an area of the cosmos that is infused with high frequency waves of the Christos. These incoming energies are much higher than anything we have experienced on this Earth for a very, very long time. The rise of this Christ Consciousness is a tremendous blessing for all, even if it may not feel that way to most. As we increase our vibration, anything in our fields that is not of love will disintegrate. Those souls that have done most of the heavy lifting already – by this I mean have done their inner work – will be energized, encouraged and buoyed by these energies coming in. Hearts open welcoming the return of the Christ source consciousness. Those however that have not done the inner work are going to have a more difficult time. From the outside this is going to look very chaotic as that which is not love will be burned away. Systems that are not infused with the Christ Consciousness will break down. All that is not in alignment will need to be reworked or removed. We are all going to have challenges as the frequency increases, remember to stay in love. Align your actions with your heart, allow these beautiful energies to penetrate you and work through you. Not only is this Christ consciousness being activated in the cosmos but the light of this divine love is sparking the heart of Mother Earth, she is raising her frequency from within to be a match to this Christ energy, she wants to take us with her. She also wants us to connect to the divine light that is within each and every human soul, she asks that we set ourselves alight, just as she is doing, to speed up and encourage others to make this transition as smoothly and swiftly as possible. By igniting the Christ Consciousness within we make ourselves a powerful match to these energies. Perspective here is key, without perspective fear may creep in. It is always darkest before the dawn, keep focus on nurturing the light within, let go and breathe.

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